Trestle Bridge in 2014


Zumbrota Trestle Bridge Closure
Bridge 25583, in the City of Zumbrota, is currently utilized as a pedestrian bridge structure. Originally built in 1903 as a railroad bridge, this 121 year old structure has most recently been used as a river crossing for a trail system within the City. The main span consists of a 51-foot steel beam span with the remaining 8 spans consisting of timber construction totaling a length of 199.1 feet.
The City of Zumbrota had made modifications to the bridge to provide an appropriate deck and railing system converting the structure from its originally intended use to a pedestrian use. During the winter months the bridge is also used as a crossing for snowmobiles. Over the years, several repairs have been made to keep the bridge in a safe condition for its users.
Most recently, Goodhue County Public Works staff visited the structure to perform a safety inspection. Many elements of the bridge were noted for advanced timber decay related to the deck, superstructure, and substructure. It was determined, at that time, that a more thorough inspection to determine this structures load capacity be analyzed. After notifying City of Zumbrota officials that this inspection was going to be performed, Stonebrooke Engineering was consulted to examine the structure. The findings from that inspection, coupled with an engineering structural analysis, determined that in its present state the bridge needs to be closed.
Zumbrota officials were informed this morning of the need for the closure. Goodhue County staff, equipment, and materials to make this closure were offered and accepted by the City in an effort to work jointly to make the necessary alterations to close the structure from public use until either repairs can be made or the bridge be replaced. City officials have been pursuing funding opportunities but have been unable to secure monies for replacement as this structure has been continuing to deteriorate and require repairs over the last several years.
The Goodhue County Public Works office will continue to work with the City of Zumbrota in the weeks and months ahead as decisions are made to determine the next best steps to again provide a very needed river crossing for those utilizing this trail.
Jess L. Greenwood, P.E.
Goodhue County Public Works Director / County Engineer

The Zumbro Trestle Bridge crosses the Zumbro River and is located on a trail section that connects a trail running along Jefferson Drive to the southern portion of the Goodhue-Pioneer State Trail. The existing structure is a railroad bridge that was retrofit for trail usage. It is composed of two 50' steel plate girder spans, and seven 13'-6" timber beam spans for an approximate bridge length of 200'. The two steel plate girder spans are supported on limestone abutments and piers. The timber beam spans are supported on timber pile bent piers and a timber pile bent abutment. The existing timber deck is comprised of 8x8 timber ties running across the beams, 2x6 sleepers running longitudinally, 2x6 decking, and 8x8 curbs. An older timber handrail, and a newer chain link rail are present as well. At the SE bridge corner, a steel plaque affixed to the plate girder indicates the steel portions were fabricated by the American Bridge Co. of New York in 1903.

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175 West Avenue
Zumbrota, MN 55992

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