3-7-2024 Construction Update for Mill & 6th Street in Zumbrota, MN
Upcoming schedule:
Trees have been marked for removal along the project. Tree removal is scheduled to start on Monday, 3-11.
Mill & 6th Street will be closed to through traffic and on street parking will no longer be allowed starting Monday, 3-18.
Mill & 6th Street will be reclaimed (turned to gravel) starting Monday, 3-18. The roadway will still be passable for local traffic, but delays should be expected while construction equipment shapes and compacts the rock.
Traffic control barricades, signs, and/or cones will be placed to close off active construction areas. Your travel pattern may need to change based on the construction. For your safety and the safety of construction personnel please follow the signage.
School traffic should come off of 5th Street and enter the parking lot from the north if possible. School traffic to the west side of the school will need to enter and exit Mill Street from the south.
Updates are available on the "GoZumbrota" app, City Website, and Email. To be added to the email distribution list please email mraasch@ci.zumbrota.mn.us with subject line "Mill & 6th Update."
Project schedule is weather dependent and subject to change. Updates will continue on a weekly basis and in special circumstances.