- Congress created an emergency water assistance program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Minnesota received $14,666,970.
- Water assistance can make payments to public water suppliers on behalf of eligible residential customers.
- Can pay for past due and current water and wastewater usage charges, fees, and deposits to ensure continuity of service.
- Cannot pay for other municipal services like trash or cable television.
How Benefits are Distributed
Per federal requirements, water assistance benefits are prioritized for eligible residential customers in this order:
- Currently disconnected from water or wastewater services.
- With a pending water or wastewater disconnection.
- With a past due water or wastewater bill.
What Department of Commerce Asks of Water Suppliers
Contact your local EAP Service Provider to get started.
- To get paid, you must complete and submit a Vendor Registration Form.
- Sign and follow the Vendor Agreement details about water supplier and Service Provider responsibilities.
Tell your customers about water assistance.
- Customers apply with their local EAP Service Provider.
- Commerce will provide communication and outreach materials soon.
When customers apply, your local EAP Service Provider may ask you to verify customer water and wastewater account information:
- Account number and name.
- Account balance, including past due amount, current bill amount, deposit, and fees.
- Actual or scheduled disconnection date.
- Total annual bill amount.
More details and training materials coming soon! Need help connecting with your local EAP Service Provider? Questions about the Vendor Registration Form? Contact Commerce at eheat.doc@state.mn.us