PFAS Management Plan
The City of Zumbrota is implementing a PFAS Pollutant Management Plan (PMP) as part of an agreement with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a family of manmade chemicals common in many household products and known as “forever chemicals”. PFAS are extremely resistant to environmental degradation and are not easily removed through conventional pollution treatment methods.
Two tests were conducted in 2023 at the City’s wastewater treatment facility. These tests indicated that PFAS was present in the City’s wastewater.
The PMP is part of an ongoing statewide effort to inform businesses and residents of the sources, reduction efforts, and consequences of PFAS within the community and the environment. Further information released by the MPCA regarding PFAS is below.
Community members should direct PFAS related questions to Mike Olson. The MPCA is also available to answer questions at